Our archives

Cruinniú na nÓg at the National Archives

Hello and welcome to the National Archives!

In case you’re wondering what we do, we collect records which help to paint a picture of life in Ireland in the past. These records can be photographs, letters or documents created by our government. You may have chatted to your parents and grandparents before about what life was like for them when they were children or learned in school about the really exciting events which have shaped our history.

The National Archives keeps these important records for you, your family and friends to use for school projects or to learn more about our past. So, why not have a look at some of the activities you can do by using items from our historical collection.

For more activities in your area see here

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1911 Census Quiz - Learn how to search one of our most important collections and discover facts about people of the past!

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Jigsaws! - Do you like jigsaws? Why not have a go at doing a jigsaw online, after all it saves on space and mess, also we can promise that there are no pieces missing!

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Colourise this! - Bring to life a 100 year old photograph by changing it from black and white to full colour!

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Make a Macaroon! - Do you like baking? then why not try a recipe from 300 years ago and find out if our taste buds have changed.

More Online Collections

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Files in focus: ‘Medieval Memorandum Rolls’ by Dr Elizabeth Biggs
Two Original Memoranda Roll: NAI EX 1/1 and 1/2   Among the most extensive of the medieval collections that were...

Document of the month Online exhibitions

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Behind the Scenes: Annual Releases 2024
  Under the National Archives Act of 1986, archives of Government Departments that became 30 years old on 31 December...

Online exhibitions

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File in focus: ‘Ancient and Modern Warfare’ – an essay by Michael Collins
In December 1904, Headmaster John Crowley at the Clonakilty National Boys School set his class a timed English composition test,...

Document of the month Online exhibitions