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‘Discover the history of your house with records for house histories in Ireland’ – by Nicola Morris and Natalie Milne

Archivist Natalie Milne and Genealogist Nicola Morris (Member, Accredited GeneaIogists Ireland) will introduce sources that can be used to document the history of a house and the people who inhabited it. Over the last 300 years, the ownership, occupancy, transfer and valuation of property in Ireland has left a relatively well-documented paper trail. Surviving census returns, urban street directories and Valuation Office records can identify the listed occupiers of a house from the mid 19th century. Maps, plans, Valuation Office records and even census records can be mined for a description of the house including in some cases, detailed measurements and materials. Earlier sources such as memorials lodged in the Registry of Deeds, leases and rentals found in family estate papers and even testamentary records may document more substantial dwellings, sometimes as far back as the early 18th century. There are even sources that might contain etchings of a building from the 18th and 19th centuries. Find out where these sources can be located, how to access them and extract all of the relevant details pertaining to the history of a house and the lives which occupied its rooms.